Today we spent some time out with friends enjoying the awesome Arizona weather. We also were able to chat with Kristin, Gerry's youngest daughter (21 years old). She is heading to India in just over a month to do missionary work with her church. She is traveling to a small village outside of Kolkata and will be there for 3 months. She is very excited, as are we. What an amazing cultural experience for her. We have a care package to send to her that includes her sari that we had purchased for her during our last visit to Mumbai, and a surprise gift that we know she will LOVE and we will also throw in some Rupees for her to get started once she hits the ground running in India.
Gerry has recruited my Mom to be the official seamstress for the nursery curtains, bumper pads, blankets, etc. I have some sewing experience, but Mom...she is the bomb when it comes to that! Mom and Dad leave to head back to the Great White North in early April, so Gerry is chomping at the bit to get me to allow him to start things early. He has already picked the unisex theme (for those that don't know, it is illegal in India to do sex determination so...the gender of our baby is a complete secret until delivery day). He has also picked the color scheme and has drawn up a complete layout of where the crib, change table and toy storage will go. I know, I know, I am such a big meany by holding him back until the second trimester!
Just 7 weeks to go Sweetie, I know you can do it!!!!