...I suppose its a lot of both!!!
I always thought one baby was a whole lot of work, until I had 3! Seems like I have less and less time for anything other then the kids (which is definitely NOT a bad thing). I seem to hope and pray every day that we will win the lottery so I can be a stay-at-home Mommy, but luck hasn't been on our side...YET! I really couldn't ask for a better work schedule since I HAVE to work. Diapers aren't cheap these days, especially for 3 (Yes, you guessed it, no luck with potty training Blaze yet). Being able to work three 12 hour shifts each week at least gives me the remainder of the week with the kids. My job is really great about working with my days to accommodate us for decreasing our cost for child care.
We got away to San Diego this month. It was our first family vacation since coming home from India. It was SO much fun. 6 hour drive (well 8 hours with a few stops for diaper changes) from Arizona to Carlsbad, California and the kids did amazing! We spent a full day at Sea World and then braved the following day at the world famous San Diego Zoo. Two full days at the parks and the kids were passed out cold on the way back to our little condo on the beach. It was the first time all the kids got to see and experience the West coast beach and ocean and Blaze loved "Cal-i-fonia".
All bundled up and ready to hit the road. |
Love the Beach! |
Ready to go to our room |
Enjoying the condo |
The Pacific Ocean |
A ride up, up high. |
Love the ZOO |
A little chilly but SO much fun! |
Ready to hit the park! |
Watching the shows |
Sea World | | | |
All tuckered out after a LONG day at the park. |
We still have the same live-out Nanny since Blaze was 2 months and she is absolutely amazing! The kids love her and she loves them just the same. We feel SO blessed to have her. I hear so many horror stories of day care and friends who go through sitter after sitter after sitter. We really feel lucky to be able to have the kids in their own home. It does have its down side with Blaze now almost 3, he has little social time with kids his age. Doesn't seem to have slowed him down any though...he is smart as a whip and so sociable. He talks up a storm. People comment all the time how well he speaks, how clear it is and what a vocabulary he has. We get such a kick out of him. We certainly aren't experts of how smart your average 2 1/2 year old is, but others think he's pretty quick. I can't even begin to list everything he knows and says, but here is just a few of the highlights. He knows so many of his animals, and many in Spanish as well, even with a cute little proper accent. He has such good manners, saying 'please', 'thank you' and 'excuse me; all the time, I am such a proud Mommy. He pretends to talk on the phone all the time and if we didn't know any better we'd think he was actually talking to someone on the other end with his, "Oh ya's!", "Sure", and "Uh huh's". When people ask, "How are you?" He will say, "I'm fine", and "Blaze good". Today when we went outside he said, "Ohhhh...nice sunny day!" My Mom is hopefully coming for a visit in June and when I told him, he said, "Give Gramma lots and lots and lots of hugs and kisses. Make her happy. " He makes me smile at his kind heart. One day I said, "Blaze did you just fart?" And much to my surprise he said, "No Mommy my bum coughed." I laughed at that one for quite a while. It is such a fun age. He brings so much joy to our lives. He is still a skinny minny weighing only 27.2 lbs. Thankfully its short season and we don't have to worry about putting a pair of 12mth shorts on him and worrying about them being floods. We try to have 'Blaze Day's' twice a month. Nanny comes over and watches the twins while Mommy, Daddy and Blaze spend the day together. It makes him feel kinda special to have time with just us and him like we had before. Today we went and played mini putt and last month we visited the local wave pool, $2.00 Movies, Wildlife Zoo, and indoor amusement park for little tykes. We try to find something different and fun for us to do each time.

Blaze and his buddy 'Byonk', (that's what he calls the Grinch???) |
Hey I kinda like this thing~ |
Love you Sissy |
At the Wave Pool |
Just like 'Nois' (Nurse) Mommy |
Hi Little Brother |
'Hey that's my hair!' |
He loves his brother and sister to pieces, always hugging and kissing them. They can't get enough of him and watch and giggle at his every move and word.
The twins turned 9 months (time sure flies) on the 18th of this month. They love to be together and still share the same crib. I tried to put a separator in the crib so they wouldn't wake each other, but they ended up just rolling right over it and sleeping right next to each other. I still can't believe I am the mother of TWINS!!!
Dylan is such a handful. She has so much personality. Still the Diva and demanding ALL the attention in the room. She takes everything in, grabs everything within her grasp and uses her pointer finger to inspect every little detail. Her hair is out of control long. Still short in the back and long on top and the sides. Gerry calls it the 'Liza Minnelli look'. I need to teach Daddy how to do little girls hair cuz she definitely needs it put up out of her face. She is still SO tiny, weighing in at just 13.4 lbs and still not fitting into some of her newborn bottoms. They fall right off of her. Most of her outfits are just 0-3 months still. She loves to stand up and sits unassisted on her own. She has been slow to enjoy food but has really come around in the last month or so and even bypasses her little brother some times. She finally said 'Mama' about a month ago. She has a high-pitched little girly voice and has the goofiest most cutest little grin. Tomorrow is a big day for her as we are planning a trip to get her ears pierced.
Cutey Patutey |
Good Morning All |
Standing tall like a big girl |
"I can lift my leg THIS high!" |
Bed Head!!! |
Just waking up. |
Jett's hair is slowly coming in and he's getting little curls on the side, just like his big brother did. He looks so much like Blaze did at his age. People comment on his big beautiful brown eyes that just light up when he smiles. He gives big open mouth smiles and low belly laughs. He is such a happy boy and so laid back and chilled most all the time. He is slightly bigger then his sister at 14.8 lbs. Wearing 0-3 and some 3-6 months clothes. He seems so much heavier after picking her up though. He is a good eater and both of them just started on dissoluble finger foods. He loves his bouncer and just like Blaze did he will bounce for hours squealing the whole time. He certainly has found his voice and loves to hear himself chatter. He screams so loud and Dylan has now started following suit. It is funny to see them communicating in their own little twin way.
First 2 teeth |
Our Lil' Dude |
Talented kid. |
Making Feeding Me a Challenge for Mommy. |
Sooooo Sweet! |
Yummy Bananas |
Least important updates on our family of 5 are obviously Mommy and Daddy...LOL! We are both doing well. Gerry's torn bicep is slow healing and he will start back on light duty at work next month. His rehab is three times per week and he is gaining his strength back. I am enjoying having him home full time, but I must admit I am a little jealous that he gets to stay home with the babes. Nothing new and exciting with me. Still seeing my Pulmonologist for my Valley Fever follow-ups. Still feeling very fatigued, but can't figure out if it is the VF or just having 3 small children that makes me so darn tired ALL of the time. Most of all I am just loving every single day with my little ones and feeling more and more blessed with each minute that passes. They are my dream come true and as all my co-workers say, 'Rhonda is such a proud Mom, she just beams when she talks about her little ones.'
Yes...Daddy did do my hair! |
Learning to multitask |