Print this postGerry and Rhonda
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY BLAZE born August 2009 !!! And now our girl/boy TWINS Dylan & Jett joined our blessed little family July 2011. We have had a long journey to begin a family. Much of our search turned up empty when looking into options for surrogacy. This is why we started this BLOG to help others learn more about options for Surrogacy in India. Good Luck with your journey and hope we have helped shed a little light.
Dec.29, 2008 - 9 out of 10 embryo's fertilized to grade A. 3 transferred to our surrogate KT today.
Jan. 2, 2009 - 5 day blastocyst transfer today. 3 put for blast culture. 2 formed. Today only 1 embryo looked good enough to transfer. So one more embryo transferred to KT today. We are officially in our 2WW once again.
Jan. 10, 2009 - POSITIVE pregnancy news!!! Docs had to use a back-up surrogate (KT) and her beta level is 134.
Jan. 13, 2009 - Still good news. Beta rising...336. 1st scan scheduled for Saturday.
Jan. 17, 2009 - Scan today. One perfect little yolk sac! Our due date is Sept. 23, 2009
Feb. 3, 2009 - 7-8 week scan today. Cardiac activity noted. Yahooooo!!!
Feb. 19, 2009 - Week 9 scan. Our little angel is beginning to look like a real baby.
Mar. 5, 2009 - 11.5 week scan today. Baby is now due Sept. 16th, 2009. FHR 165 bpm. How quickly they grow.
Apr. 19, 2009- Today we met our beautiful surrogate KT. We are officially on the same soil as our baby.
Apr. 20, 2009- 19.5 week scan today. Real life, in person we saw our baby in 3D. FHR strong and 140 bpm. The greatest sound in the world!
Apr. 22, 2009 - 1st appointment with OBGYN Dr. Anita Soni. We have 'one big baby!'
May 9, 2009- 22 week scan done today. FHR 145 bpm. Estimated Fetal weight 449 gms (+/- 15%). Average gestational age is 21w 5d. Estimated due date is Sept. 13, 2009.
May 14, 2009- KT had some spotting. Admitted to the hospital for observation. Doing fine. She is in good spirits and the scan shows no issues with our baby. KT's placenta is lying a little low. No further spotting x8 hours. Dr. Soni will do a cervical stitch as a precaution and KT will remain in hospital for a few days under observation and then off to the SI clinic for bedrest for a few more day.
May 25, 2009- 24.5 week baby belly pictures. How wonderful to see our amazing KT and our baby.
June 8, 2009- Right on schedule. Ultrasound done. KT and baby are doing well. Baby is in breech presentation. We may be looking at an early scheduled c-section.
June 28, 2009- KT and baby are doing great and right on schedule...we may just go to term!
July 14, 2009- 32 week baby belly pictures received. KT is getting BIG!
Aug. 11, 2009 - Ultrasound report shows baby no longer in breech presentation. We may just have a natural delivery after all. KT and baby are both great. 36 week baby belly pictures received. We are getting SO close now!
Aug. 17, 2009 - Flights are booked for Aug. 21st to Sept. 14th.
Aug. 19, 2009- A bit of a scare. KT's amniotic fluid is a little low. Admitted to the hospital for observation and Non-stress testing (NST). Possible delivery Monday Aug. 24th. We hope we make in time.
Aug. 22, 2009- We are on the same soil as our little Angel!!! Dr. Yash reports both baby and KT are fine and NST's are all normal.
Aug. 23, 2009- Saw KT today and she was ALL smiles! We felt our baby kick for the first time. Cervical stitch snip and delivery scheduled for Tuesday Aug. 25th. Just a few more days little one...hold on!
Aug. 25, 2009- Dr. Soni snipped KT's stitch this morning. We are anxiously awaiting that ALL important phone call, hopefully some time this afternoon.
Aug. 26, 2009 @ 0200- KT is dilated to 1cm. Dr. Soni applies cerviprime to KT's cervix to assist with dilatation.
Aug. 26, 2009 @ 0915- Some contractions started. Pitocin drip started.Aug. 26, 2009 @ 1230- 2cm dilated. Contractions now 15mins. apart. Pitocin drip stopped.
Aug 26, 2009 @ 2100- Dr. Soni in to examine. C-section determined as best course of action.
Aug. 26, 2009 @ 2222- BLAZE XENNON WILE enters the world. 5.9 lbs. Happy, healthy, beautiful boy. KT is doing fine.
Aug. 26, 2009 @ 2335- take to NICU for observation over night.
Aug. 27, 2009 @0900- some vomiting with feeds in a.m otherwise doing great. He is the biggest baby in the unit. Mommy will come for feeds every 2 hours.
Aug. 27, 2009 @ 1700- Dr. Yogesh Mehta (Pediatrician) recommends to continue stay in NICU till feeds increase and Blaze starts eating more vigorously. Daddy gets to hold him for the very first time.
Aug. 28, 2009 @ 1615- Blaze is finally discharged from the NICU and brought to our room by Dr. Yash. We FINALLY have our son with us!
Aug. 29, 2009- Discharged from Hiranandani hospital we head to the VITS hotel our home till Sept. 14th.
Sept. 3, 2009- Consulate appointment 0900. Blaze officially becomes a U.S Citizen.
Sept. 4, 2009 - Check up with Pediatrician. Blaze is now weighing in at 6.1 lbs
Sept. 10, 2009 - Exit visit obtained from the FRRO.
Sept. 14, 2009 - Homeward bound.
Sept. 15, 2009 - Blaze meets his new big sister Frankie and sees his new home.
Sept. 17, 2009 - First appointment with Pediatrician Dr. Gentile. Blaze is doing GREAT! 7.10 lbs.
Oct. 1, 2009 - Follow-up appointment with Dr. Gentile. Blaze is now a WHOPPING 8.13 lbs and 21 inches!
Oct. 26, 2009 - 2 month check up and vaccines. 10.7 lbs and 22.25 inches long! Almost double his birth weight, WOW!!! Growing like a weed.
Dec. 25, 2009 - First Christmas with our sweet Angel! What an amazing time with family!!!
Jan. 5, 2010 - 4 month check up and vaccines. 14.1 lbs. and 25.75 inches long. Doc says our little guy is tall and acts like a 6 month old already.
Mar. 8, 2010 - 6 month check up and more vaccines. :( 16 lbs (24th percentile) and 27.5 inches long (74th percentile). Doc says he is very lean and tall and such a happy boy!
April 16, 2010 - Blaze cuts his first tooth! What a breakthrough!!!
June 7, 2010 - 9 month check up. NO vaccines...Yay! 18.5 lbs (23rd percentile) that jumperoo is burning calories! 28.5 inches long (73rd percentile) almost grown out of his car seat.
June 12, 2010 - Got that crawling thing down pat! Look out world...HERE I COME!!!
AUGUST 26th, 2010 - One year old today. We celebrated in Canada with friends and family!!!
Aug. 30th, 2010 - 1 year follow up with Dr. G. 19.7 lbs and 30 inches long.
Oct. 13, 2010 - took his first step today.
Nov.9, 2010 - Crawling is now a thing of the past. Walking, walking, walking...our little boy is growing up!
Nov. 13, 2011 - We have been talking to the Docs about a sibling for Blaze and his egg donor is willing to do one more final cycle just for us!
Dec. 2, 2010 - 3 embryo's are transferred to FB (a new surrogate)
Dec. 14, 2010 - We are PREGNANT....first shot and our beta is 561.7. Blaze is going to be a big brother, maybe x2!!!
Dec. 18, 2011 - Beta has risen to 2577.0...OH MY!!!
Dec. 23, 2011 - It's official we are having TWINS!!!!
Dec. 25, 2011 - We surprised Grandma with the news. Merry Christmas to us~!
Mar. 28, 2011 - 18 month Check up. Dr. G can't believe how tall Blaze has gotten. 75% for ht. and still only 10% for wt. We have a light weight!
July 14, 2011 - We got the call...WE ARE IN LABOUR!!!! It's too early we aren't packed.
July18, 2011 - First trip back to India since birth. Blaze gets to see his amazing God Parents and meet his new little sister and brother.
July 19, 2011 - Here we are for the first time as a family of 5! WOW...Dreams really do come true.
Aug. 25, 2011 - Home from 5 weeks in India. We are all back in the U.S.A as a family of 5 plus fur daughter Neyla.
Aug. 26, 2011 - 2 years old today! Seems just like yesterday Dr. Soni placed you in our arms.
1 comment:
I love this picture.....miss you guys!
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