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Saturday, December 27, 2008


WE GOT EGGS...12 EGGS!!!!!

We were on the computer last night and Dr. Sudhir came on and chatted while our transfer was being done. It was really a neat feeling to know he was right outside the lab and retrieval room and keeping us up to date. Early this morning we got a wake-up call from Dr. Yashodhara saying that we have 12 EGGS, 10 mature, 2 immature. The 10 mature eggs were ICSI'd and put in for incubation. Dr. Yash the gem she is, smuggled her camera in to take a few photos for us and then had to pretend she was text messaging so not to be caught. She is too cute! Gerry's little guys looked good and we're hoping they're doing their job after being frozen in time for over 9 months now. Gerry javascript:void(0)told Dr. Yash to make sure that Dr. Pai and the team 'work their magic' just like they did in November with all the positives pregnancies with SI clients. She said the whole center knows they are Gerry and Rhonda's eggs and are all really rooting for us. What a great feeling that is! Rekha our surrogate even called up Dr. Yash to ask 'where we were' and wanted to visit with us. For confidentiality Dr. Yash told her we were not there and were using frozen embryo's. WOW Rekha is a wonderful lady who we have grown to adore and love. We have a very special bond with her and have been able to keep in touch although not even being pregnant. That in it's self really says a lot about this amazing woman! Her 2-day transfer will be done on Monday, where they will transfer 3 embryos. Then if all goes as planned on day 5 they will transfer another 2 blastocyst embryo's to her. She is looking forward to it, and we know she is the BEST girl for the job!

Our parcel is still MIA but we are hopeful it will arrive very soon. Once it left the U.S we were unable to track it, so we gave Dr. S the info, so he can check on his end to locate it.

WOW, those feelings are back! Nervous, excited, worried, happy, many feeling rolled into one. Although we are not able to be there in person, it is feeling all too real again and nothing and no one person can take that away from us!

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Anonymous said...

Rhonda and Gerry - what wonderful news!!!! It sounds like things are rolling right along. I'm sure that it's hard to be so far away, but it's great that the doctors are keeping you in the loop. It really seems like they've become part of your extended family, and are hoping for this pregnancy almost as much as you are! So many people are supporting you, and praying for your dreams to come true - it just seems like this has to work!! Can't wait to hear about the transfer....Stick embies, stick!!!!!

keeping everything crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

What great news!!! So happy for both of you!!!!!

Carrie Jo said...

Wow, what amazing news! Wishing you both a baby or two by the end of '09!

Kerrie and Mark said...

Fingers and toes and eyes crossed. Sounds like things are off to a great start!!!! Thats awesome that everyone knows Gerry and Rhonda...maybe they will add some extra spice to make things happen for you. All the best and keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

WAHOO!!!! Everything is in motion again and the feelings are back. It is hard to believe how, after being in Mumbai, you can picture the scene and everything that is happening. I could not be more happy for you and Gerry.

Congratulations on beginning this part of the journey.

My thoughts are with you along EVERY STEP!!


Niels and Alexander said...

Hi Rhonda and Gerry,

We're rooting for you! Hope you had a wonderful holiday and that 2009 will be your year!
Regs, Niels and Alexander

jojo said...

good luck good luck good luck!