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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our little Trooper...

Blaze went for his 2 month check up with Dr. Gentile on the Monday, the 26th.  He has gained a bunch of weight and I just knew he was getting heavier.  He is now up to 10.7 lbs. and a whopping 22.25 inches long.  Almost double his birth weight!

We are now going to start placing a teaspoon of rice cereal in his morning and night bottles and see what he thinks.  Our Doc says its fine to start doing this.  As I mentioned, Blaze had his 2 month set of vaccinations and he ROCKED!  The nurse was quick and great, 2 injections and 1 drinkable ( Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Pneumococcal Congugate, Rotavirus).  He let out a holler and then Daddy picked him up and he quieted down immediately.

He was great for the next few hours and then woke up after a nap and his poor little thigh, where the injection site was, was red and swollen.  We knew he was hurting and he let us know.  It broke our hearts.  Poor baby, he cried real tears and his bottom lip was justa quivering.  Poor darling.  We applied his stuffed sea turtle ice pack and he laid on Daddy's chest and fell asleep all the while taking short little high pitched breathes.

We are NOT looking forward to Dec 31st when he gets his 4 month round of vaccines, but we know how important they are, and to have him protected.

He is starting to interact more with us and cooing and smiling.  He loves, loves, loves lights and ceiling fans and stares at them incessantly.

This has really been since day one.  He especially loved the lights in the elevator at the VITS.

His eyelashes seemed to have grown overnight.  They are SO long.  Lucky guy.  I am sure the girls will be jealous some day.

Papa and Grandma arrived on Sunday afternoon from Niagara Falls, and couldn't be happier to be back in sunny Arizona to enjoy the winter, especially now that they have a little grandson to enjoy.  Gerry decided to play a trick on Grandma and tell her Blaze wasn't feeling well (I said just say he was fussy or she may get worried) and so we stayed at home and didn't come to the airport.  I was right, she got worried and then minutes later when the 2 of us came out from around the pillar, her eyes just got so wide and the 'OMG!' came.

We couldn't get her attention for the rest of the day...well WE couldn't, but Blaze certainly did!  ALL DAY LONG!  She was just elated, such a happy Grandma.


The boys (minus Blaze) took a trip to Mom and Dad's trailer to get everything in order.  While they were gone, Mommy gave Blaze a bath and Grandma watched with delight.  Then the tears came.  She was just overwhelmed with emotions watching me there with my sweet little boy.  She was just so happy to see me after so long with my dream come true.  It was a wonderful moment.

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Mandy said...

Oh Rhonda, he is so cute and i can imagine how those shots must have been for him...u guys are all troopers in my glad to see papa and grandma wit him too!!

Enjoy these family moments, we love to hear about them too.

Greg, Rob and Our Little Girl. said...

What a wonderful post Rhonda! He sure has gotten bigger in the past two months. We can never get enough of this little guy. I love the look on Grandma's face. You can tell she is a proud Grandma.

Mike and Mike said...

The sleep crying is the WORST! Both Rose and Eva did that after particularly bad days, and you just feel awful!

Blaze is growing like a weed! Enjoy and cherish every moment...even the sleep crying.

Kate said...

Shots are just as hard on the parents. You and Blaze will be glad when they are over with.
Fun that you surprised your parents- Blaze is so handsome you guys are doing a great job! Enjoy every minute!

Niels and Alexander said...

Great pics of your family, even having to do all these horrible things as having to watch your bundle of love getting shots, it still must feel as victory: your really made your family happen and you're doing everything to prevent and to protect. You're great people. All the best

Chantelle & Cyndi our life said...

I love the pics. I am looking forward to seeing more. You are 4 days behind. We miss you so much. I hope we get together before Cyndi pops. LOL