0930- We arrive at the hospital again after we both crashed at our hotel room from emotional exhaustion. I arrived just in time to feed him as the nurses (sisters) were so busy with the critical babies the day prior, it put Blaze's feeding schedule off by 40 mins. I got all dressed, excited and anxious to see my guy and as soon as I walked into the NICU the Sister says, 'you need to leave, give us 5 minutes.' So, I step out and I wait, and wait and wait. Finally one of the Sister's walks by and I ask, can I go in to see my baby now. She tells me, 'yes.' I walk through the door and over to my precious Angel. I am so happy to see him, I just hate being separated from him. So I go to pick him up in my arms and another Sister turns to me and says, 'you must leave Mam. His feeding is over.' WHAT??? I question her that his feeding time was off from yesterday and that I haven't seen him, and have waited patiently while they took care of their emergency with the 3rd little girl who had now arrived. But, she is adamant, 'Come back at 11am!' I manage to at least get out of her that Blaze is now up to 12cc and tolerating them well. As Gerry and I get back to the room, I loose it, the tears come pouring out. I am tired, I am frustrated, I am missing my son SO terribly. Gerry is really upset now. Now the Mother can't even visit?! I quickly regain my composure and decide to look forward to the 11 a.m feeding and hopefully a visit from Dr. Mehta as we still don't know what the plan is for Blaze's discharge.
1100- Blaze's feeding went great.
1300- I brought in a bottle and a cute little onesie, cap and some socks for the Sister's to dress him in. Gerry came in, but again was asked to leave. He explained to the nurse that he had received permission to come in for the feeding, but she was just rude and told him to go. That was the last straw for both of us. I went in for the feeding and decided to ask a lot of questions. Only to find out that Dr. Mehta had made rounds early in the morning (and no one called us as we requested so we could come down and meet with him personally) and gave instructions that he wanted Blaze to get to taking at least 20cc of formula and he would consider discharge. Again NO communication. The nurse prepared Blaze's feed in the bottle I whispered in his ear. 'Come on little guy drink it like a Champ for Daddy, so we can break you outta here.' That's just what he did. Not only did he drink the 15cc that the nurse prepared she went back and got 10cc more and he drank that too. I was so happy I almost screamed. I couldn't wait to get out into the hall to tell Gerry the GREAT news. Before I left the 'nice' nurse said, 'please tell your husband he can come back for the next feed at 2:45 p.m. We will adjust the time so he can come in alone without any other mothers.' I ripped all my gear off and ran out in the hall to tell a very upset and sad 'kicked out x2' Daddy the wonderful news. We got on the phone and asked Dr. Yash to call in a favor and see if Dr. Mehta could make rounds early so we could get Blaze discharged to our room as soon as possible and so we didn't miss his visit this time.
1445- Gerry can't wait to get down to the NICU to see his little Champ. We arrive to find out that Dr. Mehta had been in and rounded again (and we were not notified), but this time we got the news we were anxiously awaiting. YAHOOOOOO!!!! We were finally going to get our boy with us. That's ALL we wanted. Gerry stayed and did the feed and with all our excitement it made it that much more special. So we returned to the room to wait for our little package to be hand delivered.
1615- There is a knock on our room door. It is Dr. Sudhir. He said to gerry 'Blaze isn't in the room yet?' and Gerry said to him 'no, we are STILL waiting!' And no more did he finish saying that then in walked Dr. Yash with our beautiful Blaze in her arms. It was PERFECT! All that frustration, sadness, stress and tears was a long lost memory. Blaze's very first visitors, how fitting, his Indian God Parents. We had our Angel and there was no one going to keep him from us again!!!!
What a beautiful story, I am so proud of you both for keeping your composure, that's so tough! Love you both, give my little brother a kiss for me!
More! More! We want more! More pictures, information, EVERYTHING! This is one of the best stories I ever read! Blaze is sooooo adorable.
HE'S HOME!!!! (well almost) YES!!!! Thank God, i thought i'd have to come to India and demand him over to u guys...lol....he is soooooooooooo cute!! OMG!!...i love 'em love 'em.....i could just bite his little cheeks...
CONGRATS!! sleep tight guys. Love the post AGAIN!!!
Blaze is soooooo cute!!! I am so glad he's out of the NICU. Why are they so strict about letting Mommy and Daddy in for feedings?
Congrats again - so exciting!!!
Keep the updates coming! Yay to breaking free & how cute are these latest photos!!!
Your post made us think though how we'll be should we Noddy be in NICU having two daddies...Hmmm.
We'll be calling favours from the docs too we think!
Congrats you guys! Blaze looks great and it so nice to see your at the Vits and starting your new life.
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