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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Right On Track!

Its a difficult time of year for childless couples like us. Going to the mall shopping and seeing tons of kids with their families shopping and waiting patiently in line to see Santa. Christmas is my favorite time of year, but it still feels like something huge is missing for us. I suppose that's why the saying goes, "Christmas is for children."

Got news from Dr. Yash the other day that both our surro and egg donor have started their cycles right on time. We shall be expecting news on our egg donors stimulation update and number of follicles any day now.

Here we go again...hoping and praying third time is our charm!!!

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Mandy said...

we are keeping our fingers crossed for u guys!! GOOD LUCK and we are praying and hope all turns out well. YEAH!

jojo said...

That's so exciting! I'll be sending you lots and lots and lots of luck.

Here's hoping number three will be the one!!!


Carrie Jo said...


I am just waiting to get a chance to celebrate a pregnancy with you and Gerry. We will continue to be praying for you both and your ED and surro.

Hang in there during this Christmas season. I know it's tough.