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Friday, January 2, 2009

Ohhh, the Dreaded 2 Week Wait!

We officially received our 2nd phone call late last night. Only one embryo matured to the 5 day blastocyst stage and thus was transferred into Rekha. So, she is currently carrying 4 of our little ones and we are hoping and praying for a positive pregnancy test. Of the 5 day blastocyst transfers that the Docs have done, so far all have had positive pregnancies. With that said...LUCK is on our side; 3rd times the charm, and all that good stuff!

Our parcel finally cleared Mumbai customs and should be arriving at Dr. S's home any day now. We are excited to hear what everyone thinks of their gifts. They didn't make it for Christmas, but better late then never.

We also received news today that one of the couples on the forum were blessed with the birth of their perfect healthy twins today in Mumbai. One boy and one girl. We couldn't be happier for them.

We had a wonderful new years. New Year's Eve we went to see Marley & Me and I officially boo hoo'd for 30 minutes straight. Gerry had fun going to some drunk and disorderly calls during the night. We all (Frankie included) spent the day at Mom and Dad's swimming and playing games and having fun. Gerry found the perfect opportunity to wear his new Christmas gift from the Docs; an authentic Indian vest.

Just one more late night phone call to go...fingers crossed!!!!

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Carrie Jo said...

All I can say is "good luck!"


We are keeping are fingers crossed all the way out here in Atlanta GA!! Good luck!!
Hopefully this will be the best year yet for you guys!! Happy New Year!!!
The Venns

Anonymous said...

The Two Week Wait, ahh... My wish is that the time goes by quickly and the little embies stick. The results of the 5 day blastocyst transfers done previously are very encouraging.

I will be thinking of you, Gerry, your surrogate and the embies every day.


Anonymous said...

Wishing you both all the best. Take care. Love you both.

Love Rhonda, Mark and Justin xxoo

Kerrie and Mark said...

You need a tww ticker....I am so excited for you guys!